Here We Go!

We started a brand!

Hops ‘n’ Hounds was catalyzed by our move to a place we really want to settle into. When Chris and I moved in to our first home in Sellersville, PA, we had an idea that it was our starter home. It was an opportunity to build equity and give our dog a big yard to play in. It had everything we needed, but lacked a few things we wanted. Huge shout out to the neighbors there that welcomed us with open arms into their holiday parties and homes. They really shaped our lives in Pennsylvania. Beyond our neighbors, we really built a life in Pennsylvania while living in that house. Chris entrenched himself in his work, which happens to be his dream job with coworkers that have turned into wonderful friends. Alaina delved into enriching hobbies, got into MeetUp, and changed jobs.

On May 15th, we moved to a property in Center Valley, PA, which checked every ‘want’ box. Everyday we look at one another and express how happy we are to have this house and land. Chris had the idea to start an LLC, in case egg sales really took off or if we wanted the opportunity to grow the farm operation/outreach/patrons. I wasn’t sure at first, but really got on board once I had time to think it over. Chris also had the final idea for the name: combining our shared love of beer (although I am not into IPAs) and our coonhound, Juniper. One week later, in a flurry, I registered a website domain and LLC name. A couple days later we had a logo, website built, and social media profiles (Instagram and Facebook).

I can’t wait to see how HnH develops and grows!


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